The Age of Aquarius

In the twilight of the old, a whisper in the air,
The age of Aquarius dawns, a world anew to bear.
From the depths of ancient dreams, the water-bearer’s song,
A symphony of transformation, where the old ways now belong.

The prophets spoke of days like these, where unity would rise,
A higher plane of existence, where compassion never dies.
The old Earth crumbles gently, as the new one takes its place,
A shift in human consciousness, where love’s a guiding grace.

No more the chains of power, no more the wars of old,
In this age of understanding, compassion takes its hold.
A global village we become, connected by our souls,
In the age of Aquarius, where every being knows their roles.

No longer driven by ego, but by a higher call,
To heal the wounded Earth, to lift each other when we fall.
The veil of separation fades, as oneness takes its place,
In this age of awakening, where love’s the saving grace.

A world of higher consciousness, where every heart is free,
To dance among the stars and shape our destiny.
The age of Aquarius is here, the dawn of a new day,
A harmonious existence, where love will light the way.

As the water-bearer pours the future from its urn,
The age of Aquarius, a new era we discern.
A world of higher consciousness, a shift in every soul,
In this age of boundless love, the multiverse is whole.

Mirror World

This is a song about the multiverse, and the eternal question: Are we alone?

(Verse 1)
In a vast expanse of endless skies,
A cosmic soup of worlds arise,
Parallel universes, infinite in scope,
Where every choice, every dream, we all can hope.

Do we navigate through threads of fate?
A million lives, a billion gates.
Is there a God who knows it all?
Or are we destined to rise and fall?

In the multiverse we search and roam,
A journey through dimensions, we’re not alone.
Love and intelligence, our guiding stars,
In this cosmic dance, we’ll find who we are.

(Verse 2)
In a mirror world, you might be someone else,
A different story, another life, but still yourself.
Is there a version where love’s always found,
In every heart, on every sacred ground?

Do we navigate through threads of fate?
A million lives, a billion gates.
Is there a God who knows it all?
Or are we destined to rise and fall?

(Repeat Chorus)

Across the cosmos, we’re reaching for the light,
A puzzle of existence, day and night.
If there’s a higher power, a force unseen,
In every universe, we’re part of the same dream.

(Verse 3)
In a world where time’s a fragile thread,
We glimpse the past, the future, where we tread.
Can we alter fate, rewrite the cosmic script,
With love and intelligence, can we uplift?

(Repeat Pre-Chorus)

(Repeat Chorus)

As we journey through this cosmic sea,
In the multiverse, we’ll find our destiny.
Love and intelligence, our eternal guide,
In every universe, we’ll stand side by side.

(Repeat chorus and fade out)

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Galaxy Shuttle

In a galaxy far, far away, or so the stories say,
The governments have whispered, in a most peculiar way,
That aliens exist, they’ve come from realms unknown,
And now, my friend, it’s time to reap what we have sown.

For interplanetary travel, once a dream out of reach,
Now shimmers in the starlight, like a juicy, ripened peach.
The possibilities are endless, like the universe so vast,
With ETs as our neighbours, we’ll explore space at last.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, oh no,
There are hurdles to surmount before we up and go.
The physics of it all, the logistics, the grand scheme,
It’s not as simple as it sounds, as in a childhood dream.

Yet let’s be explorers, with courage in our hearts,
Setting sail on cosmic seas, where each new day imparts
A sense of wonder and of awe, as we boldly go
To meet our cosmic cousins, to say “hello” and “hello.”

Will they have books and music, like our dear planet Earth?
Or will they bring strange melodies of interstellar mirth?
I imagine they have stories, tales from worlds afar,
Of galaxies and nebulae, beneath a distant star.

Philosophy, yes, that’s a topic we might explore,
As we sit around a cosmic campfire, on a distant shore.
What questions will we ponder, under unfamiliar skies?
As we gaze upon the cosmos with wide and wondering eyes.

If they have some animals, creatures strange and wild,
I hope they share their wisdom, like a wise old owl or child.
For in the sea of critters, there’s much we have to learn,
From the tiniest of insects to the creatures that can churn.

Back to interplanetary travel, the theme of our refrain,
As we venture into space, on a celestial plane.
With aliens as our guides, or perhaps our travel mates,
The universe is calling, and it’s time to open the gates.

If you liked this little flight of fancy, do write in the comments section and share the poem. Subscribe to the Ventimental poetry blog for free access to all the content.

What If… I had no computer?

Daily writing prompt
Your life without a computer: what does it look like?

In a world devoid of screens and keys,
A life without a computer, if you please.
Imagine the strangeness, the oddity, the surprise,
As we bid our digital companions goodbyes.

No more clicking, no more endless scrolling,
The silence of a keyboard, our fingers strolling
Through pages of books and not websites galore,
A life without computers, what’d it have in store?

But wait, let’s ponder this path less trodden,
A world without screens, a future unburdened.
With time to spare and eyes unplugged,
Could it be that this life is simply unplugged?

We’d turn to the outdoors, to the world so wide,
Exploring nature’s wonders, with nothing to hide.
The birds in the sky, the rustle of leaves,
A life without a computer, where simplicity breathes.

Books would regain their former glory,
No longer overshadowed by screens so gory.
The joy of turning pages, the scent of old ink,
A life without a computer, it makes you think.

Philosophy and astronomy, deep in the night,
Without the glare of screens, the world feels right.
Contemplating the cosmos, pondering the stars,
A life without a computer, it’s breaking the bars.

In this life, connections would be real,
No emojis to express how we feel.
Face-to-face conversations, laughter and tears,
A life without a computer, it erases our fears.

And what of my dreams, my goals so grand?
To be a bestselling author, to rock the land.
Without the distractions, the digital noise,
A life without a computer, would rest my voice.

I’d pick up my pen, let the words flow free,
No more writer’s block, no more LCD.
My stories would flourish, my songs take flight,
A life without a computer, it feels so right.

If I Could Change The World

Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the thing about the world,
It’s like a bizarre circus, absurd and unfurled,
So many moving parts, all tangled in a mess,
If I had the power, there are things I’d address.

First, let’s talk about inequality, that ugly stain,
Rich getting richer, while the rest feel the strain,
I’d level the playing field, oh you bet I would,
Make sure everyone’s chances are truly understood.

Education, a cornerstone we often overlook,
It’s not just memorizing facts from a book,
Let’s nurture creativity, curiosity, and thought,
Not just churn out robots, all cookie-cut and bought.

And mental health, it’s time we give it a break,
No more stigmas, no more suffering to fake,
A world where seeking help is seen as a strength,
A place where struggling souls can go to any length.

Climate change, it’s like a ticking bomb, you see,
The Earth’s crying out, and it’s not just me,
We’ve got to change our ways, be kinder to our home,
Or we’ll be left with nothing but regrets to comb.

Now, politics, oh don’t even get me started,
A system so broken, it’s practically charted,
Let’s put people first, not parties and greed,
A world where the voice of the people takes the lead.

And can we talk about kindness, that simple thing,
In a world so divided, it’s like a lost ring,
Let’s hold open doors, lend a hand when we can,
A world where empathy’s the currency, the golden plan.

A Dickensian Flash Fiction Story

[Imagining how a story of a time traveler from the pen of Charles Dickens would read. Let’s call this Dickensian ‘The Haunting of Time’s Passage’]

It was a misty evening in the year 2023 when the quaint streets of Mumbai were visited by an unexpected guest from a bygone era. The city, bustling with the relentless march of progress, was interrupted by the arrival of a young girl in a peculiar dress, bewildered by her surroundings. Her name was Eliza, a seventeen-year-old girl who had unwittingly stumbled upon the enigma of time travel.

Eliza, hailing from the seventeenth century, had been captivated by an ancient manuscript that had mysteriously transported her through the corridors of time. As she emerged from the ether, her eyes widened in astonishment at the towering buildings, electric lights, and the chaotic symphony of car horns and human voices that assaulted her senses. Fear mingled with curiosity in Eliza’s heart as she roamed the streets of this unfamiliar city. She witnessed the extraordinary: people speaking into tiny boxes, their eyes fixed on glowing rectangles, seemingly oblivious to the world around them. The cacophony of languages and the kaleidoscope of cultures overwhelmed her, but she pressed on, determined to unravel the secrets of this bewildering age.

Her journey led her to a bustling marketplace, where vendors hawked their wares in a frenzy of colours and scents. Eliza’s eyes widened at the sight of exotic fruits and spices she had never encountered. She approached a kind-faced merchant, whose eyes sparkled with intrigue.

“Prithee, good sir, might thou guide me? I find myself lost in this strange land,” Eliza implored, her words sounding archaic amidst the surrounding chaos.

The merchant, bewildered by her archaic speech, regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and concern. “Who are you?”

Eliza hesitated for a moment, pondering how to explain her journey through time without sounding utterly mad. “I am Eliza, a humble traveler from the past, thrust into this bewildering future. Pray, might thou offer me thy guidance?”

The merchant’s bewilderment turned to empathy as he recognized the girl’s genuine confusion. “Don’t worry baby.”

Under the merchant’s guidance, Eliza ventured further into the city, her eyes wide with wonder at the marvels she beheld. She marveled at the swift-moving carriages that lacked horses, the towering skyscrapers that kissed the heavens, and the colourful saris intermingling with jeans and T-shirts. As the day grew darker, Eliza and her newfound guide arrived at a tranquil park. The noise and chaos of the city faded into the distance, replaced by the whispers of the wind and the rustle of leaves. They settled on a bench, Eliza’s eyes filled with longing for the simplicity of her own time.

“Tell me, good sir, what dost thou make of this world?” Eliza inquired, her voice trembling with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

The merchant, now her companion and confidant, offered a gentle smile and spoke like a philosopher. “The world is an ever-evolving tapestry, Eliza. It moves forward, leaving behind fragments of the past. Yet, amidst the chaos, there is beauty in the resilience of the human spirit, in the bonds that transcend time and place.”

Eliza pondered his words, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She yearned for the comforts of her own era, yet felt a growing fascination with the possibilities of this future. As the night sky filled with stars, Eliza made a decision. She bid farewell to her guide, knowing that she must find a way to return to her time, to her family and friends. But she vowed to carry the memories of this extraordinary adventure within her heart forever.

With a final glance at the city’s glittering skyline, Eliza stepped into the mist, disappearing into the folds of time. And though the streets of Mumbai would eventually forget the girl from the seventeenth century, her spirit remained, a ghostly reminder of the enduring power of human curiosity and the eternal dance between past and future.

What if… Wonder Woman met Black Widow?

AI generated drawing of Wonder Woman

In realms where heroes intertwine their might,
Where fates entangle, worlds collide in flight,
There dwells a union unforeseen, untold,
When Wonder Woman met Black Widow bold.

One hails from Themyscira’s sacred land,
Daughter of Zeus, adorned in strength grand.
With lasso forged from truth, her emblem bright,
A beacon of justice, a valiant knight.

The other, a shadow dancing through the night,
A master of espionage, her will alight.
From S.H.I.E.L.D.’s covert realms, she does arise,
A web of secrets veiling her azure eyes.

A chance encounter, destinies entwined,
Two worlds converge, where boundaries unwind.
Their gaze locked in a realm of dual skies,
Galaxies align, two stars begin to rise.

Wonder Woman, an emblem of compassion,
A warrior’s grace, her heart in fashion,
With truth her guide, she strides with regal poise,
A paragon of strength, her will employs.

Black Widow, a tempest, an enigma fierce,
A cunning mind, a shadow’s whispered pierce,
Her past a shroud, with scars she’s reconciled,
Yet a noble spirit, her eyes beguiled.

As they unite, an alliance unforeseen,
Amidst the chaos, two forces convene,
Their distinct worlds blend, the tapestry weaves,
A symphony of strength, harmony achieved.

Together, they defy the bounds of fate,
Two guardians of justice, none can berate,
With unyielding valor, their spirits blend,
A sisterhood born, as allies transcend.

In battle’s crucible, their talents combine,
Two swords clash, their courage intertwine,
As gauntlets gleam and widows weave their dance,
An alliance forges, a force enhanced.

One wields the power of gods, divine and bright,
The other, earthly prowess, stealth in sight,
Yet their essence shared, a resounding theme,
In justice united, they reign supreme.

Through trials faced, their bond begins to grow,
As allies, friends, through victories they sow,
They stand as beacons in a world so grim,
Champions of justice, their lights won’t dim.

Inner Domestic Goddess

In boardrooms filled with suits and bustling pace,
A leader strong, commanding, takes her place.
Her eyes alight with fierce ambition’s fire,
She climbs the ladder, soaring ever higher.

Yet ‘midst the meetings, deadlines, endless race,
A hidden longing lingers in her grace.
She yearns for something more, a simpler life,
Away from corporate strife, away from strife.

How she dreams of aprons, flour, and dough,
Of cozy kitchens, warmth that love bestows.
To trade her spreadsheets for a rolling pin,
A domestic goddess dwelling deep within.

For in her heart, she feels the pull so strong,
To leave the office, where her soul feels wrong.
To nurture, create, and find her true bliss,
In nurturing a home, a life of bliss.

No longer bound by schedules, tasks, and stress,
But guided by her love and tenderness.
To build a sanctuary, warm and bright,
Where joy and laughter dance from morn till night.

Yet, societal whispers hold her back,
A corporate leader’s path is what they lack.
But deep within, her spirit longs to roam,
To find her place, to build a loving home.

So let her dreams take flight on gentle breeze,
As she embraces who she longs to be.
For in her quest to find a life of grace,
A corporate leader yearns for a domestic embrace.

And when she finds the courage to let go,
The world will witness a radiant glow.
For in her choice to follow her true heart,
She’ll find fulfillment, the missing part.

What if… the atom bomb didn’t exist?

Verse 1:
In 1945, a bomb was born,
A weapon of destruction, the world was torn,
The power to end all wars,
But at what cost, what was it for?

What if Oppenheimer had not invented,
The atomic bomb that changed our world,
Would we have been better off,
Or would we still be in the same whirl?

Verse 2:
The war was over, but the fear remained,
The bomb was here, its power unchained,
A new era of uncertainty,
A world forever changed, for eternity.

What if Oppenheimer had not invented,
The atomic bomb that changed our world,
Would we have been better off,
Or would we still be in the same whirl?

Verse 3:
The arms race began, the world in fear,
A balance of power, but at what cost, my dear,
Nuclear weapons stockpiled,
The threat of war, forever filed.

What if Oppenheimer had not invented,
The atomic bomb that changed our world,
Would we have been better off,
Or would we still be in the same whirl?

Perhaps a world without the bomb,
Could have been a world without harm,
A world where peace prevails,
And love and hope forever trails.

What if Oppenheimer had not invented,
The atomic bomb that changed our world,
Would we have been better off,
Or would we still be in the same whirl?

The bomb was born, the world was changed,
But the cost was high, the pain, ingrained,
What if Oppenheimer had not invented,
A world without the bomb, we’ll never know what’s prevented.

What if… JFK and Gandhi weren’t assassinated

If Gandhi and Kennedy had lived,
The world would be much different, I believe,
For their visions and ideals, so strong,
Could have brought change that would last long.

Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation,
Taught us the power of non-violation,
With his peaceful protests and civil rights,
He inspired generations to stand up and fight.

John F Kennedy, the young and bold,
Embodied hope and change for young and old,
His vision for a better world,
Could have been realized, had he not been hurled.

Imagine the world today,
If these great men had their say,
Perhaps a world without war,
With peace and justice at its core.

Gandhi’s dream of an India,
Free from poverty and social stigma,
Could have been realized with his guidance,
A nation united, without any violence.

Kennedy’s efforts for civil rights,
Could have changed many lives,
An America free from discrimination,
A nation built on true integration.

But fate had other plans in store,
And these great men were taken before,
Their dreams could come to life,
Leaving the world to cope with strife.

Yet their legacies remain,
And their spirits still sustain,
The hope for a better world,
Where love and peace are unfurled.

So let us honor their memory,
And their vision for a better world,
Let us strive to make it real,
And make their dreams unfurled.