Student Visa Agent’s Diary

In my cubicle, where dreams and visas blend,
Parents and their wards, on me depend.
“Harvard, Stanford, Oxford,” they aspire,
For a price that’s soaring ever higher.

Three crores! A sum so grand it makes them wince,
But prestige, they believe, is worth every pence.
“Will they land a job, in lands so broad?
Or return to run the family’s sales squad?”

They ask with hope, in their eyes a gleam,
Of Silicon Valley and Wall Street dreams.
Yet, I’ve seen the cycle, oh, so well,
A tale that countless families compellingly tell.

“Abroad” they fly, with ambitions vast,
Yet back they come, to the roots that last.
“Investment in prestige,” they proudly declare,
While managing the shop with nary a care.

A Sonnet For Nolan

In realms of dreams where time’s enigma dwells,
A maestro weaves his visions, stark and grand,
Christopher Nolan, whose imagination swells,
Creating worlds that few can understand.

Through screens, he beckons with his artful hand,
Unraveling the tapestry of the mind,
In mazes spun, where consciousness expands,
We journey, lost, the labyrinth we find.

From Gotham’s depths to dreams’ bewildering shore,
He masterfully guides us through the haze,
Inception’s layers, Dunkirk’s frantic war,
Our senses awed, our thoughts caught in his maze.

With visions bold, a symphony of sight,
Christopher Nolan’s genius takes its flight.

Inner Domestic Goddess

In boardrooms filled with suits and bustling pace,
A leader strong, commanding, takes her place.
Her eyes alight with fierce ambition’s fire,
She climbs the ladder, soaring ever higher.

Yet ‘midst the meetings, deadlines, endless race,
A hidden longing lingers in her grace.
She yearns for something more, a simpler life,
Away from corporate strife, away from strife.

How she dreams of aprons, flour, and dough,
Of cozy kitchens, warmth that love bestows.
To trade her spreadsheets for a rolling pin,
A domestic goddess dwelling deep within.

For in her heart, she feels the pull so strong,
To leave the office, where her soul feels wrong.
To nurture, create, and find her true bliss,
In nurturing a home, a life of bliss.

No longer bound by schedules, tasks, and stress,
But guided by her love and tenderness.
To build a sanctuary, warm and bright,
Where joy and laughter dance from morn till night.

Yet, societal whispers hold her back,
A corporate leader’s path is what they lack.
But deep within, her spirit longs to roam,
To find her place, to build a loving home.

So let her dreams take flight on gentle breeze,
As she embraces who she longs to be.
For in her quest to find a life of grace,
A corporate leader yearns for a domestic embrace.

And when she finds the courage to let go,
The world will witness a radiant glow.
For in her choice to follow her true heart,
She’ll find fulfillment, the missing part.

Crochet Away

What activities do you lose yourself in?

[I get lost for hours on end, crocheting away to glory. You’d much rather enjoy hearing about it poetically, won’t you!]

Crochet Away

Amidst a world of chaos and unrest,
Where troubles swirl and worries never rest,
I find my solace in a simple craft,
A hook, a yarn, a pattern to be laughed.

With every stitch, I feel my tensions ease,
My mind let go of all its worried pleas,
And in the rhythm of the hook’s sweet sound,
I lose myself and all the world around.

The colours blend and form a tapestry,
A work of art that tells a story free,
Of patience, care, and endless dedication,
A testament to creativity’s liberation.

So as I sit and crochet the day away,
I find myself in peace, lost in the fray.

Save Me From The Mundane

Photo by Alexas Fotos

What bores you?

How the commonplace does bring me woe,
The dreary sameness of each passing day,
The mundane tasks that bring no inner glow,
And leave me feeling dull in every way.

For I, a seeker of life’s deeper truths,
Am pained by mediocrity’s embrace,
The uninspired words and empty youth,
That seem to fill this world in every place.

Yet still I seek the sparks of something more,
The rare and fleeting moments of delight,
That lift me up and make my spirit soar,
And fill my soul with beauty and with light.

So though the tedium of life may weigh,
I’ll seek the extraordinary every day.