Fortune’s Leash

Daily writing prompt
Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

While playing in the street, one day,
With a dog as white as milk,
A stranger paused to say,
“That mutt will bring luck your way.”

Her words, light as a feather’s touch,
Left me pondering, oh so much,
Could a dog, so merry and such,
Really bring luck with every nuzz?

I laughed, the thought quite droll,
That luck could be on a stroll,
In fur as white as coal is black,
Leading fortune on its track.

Yet since that day, I must confess,
Life’s shown a bit more, not less,
Of abundance, in its fine address.
Perhaps the stranger knew, God bless.

Ode to a Future Harvest

Daily writing prompt
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I saw myself, in 10 years’ time, on a stretch of land where the old world whispers,
in the tranquility of a European village, where the earth holds deep secrets and the air is thick with the past.
There, amidst the rolling fields kissed by the soft sun,
I build my sanctuary, a farm, where time slows its relentless march and simplicity breathes.

With cats that slink and curl between beams of sunlight,
with dogs that bound, their joy uncontainable, across the expanse of open land,
with the humble company of farm animals, each a character, a companion,
in this workshop of living, I weave my days.

I plant my roots deep in the soil, fertile and rich, a foundation of centuries,
where vegetables and flowers bloom like a painter’s palette splashed across the canvas of green,
each season cycles like verses in a long, lyrical poem penned by the earth itself.
Here, the quiet hum of the village life sings a gentle lullaby.

The barn, a cathedral of rustic, aged wood, stands solemn, sacred,
a monument to the pastoral life long dreamed of in the restless city nights.
Here, peace is not just a concept, but something palpable, as real as the dirt under my fingernails,
as the smell of rain on wind, as the warmth of the sun on my face.

I trade the blaring horns and the clatter of machines for the morning calls of roosters,
the twilight whispers of the wind through the trees,
for the celestial quiet of the countryside and the rhythmic chant of cicadas as dusk falls.
This is where my soul finds its pause, its deep, fulfilling breath.

Freedom here is not solitary, it’s a chorus of life, of interconnection,
a daily dialogue with nature, with the creatures that share my slice of paradise.
In this envisioned future, my spirit dances with the infinite, where every leaf, every cloud, every star is a poem,
where the land itself writes stanzas on the sky.

In this future, I am not just a keeper of land, but a seeker of truths,
taught by the steady growth of oak, the resilience of pine,
the eternal wisdom of the earth beneath, the expansive teachings of the open sky above,
in a village that cradles my existence like a timeless hymn.

This is where I see myself, not just surviving, but thriving,
in a communion with the earth, a pact with the simplicity of life,
where the frenzy of the ‘now’ yields to the profound pulse of the ‘eternal’,
in the heart of a village, my home, a sanctuary not just made, but deeply, truly lived.

A Furry Heart’s Delight

A pet will bring you joy on a quiet day,
With a wag or purr, they make your heart play.
They turn your simple house into a home.

They listen to your tales, no need to roam,
With every little nuzzle, they’ll repay.
A pet will bring you joy on a quiet day.

In their eyes, you’re perfect, come what may,
No judgments passed, no words they need to say.
They turn your simple house into a home.

Through games of fetch or when you’re led astray,
Their antics paint your life in bright array.
A pet will bring you joy on a quiet day.

They’re teachers of the moment, to convey
That every stick’s a treasure, come what may.
They turn your simple house into a home.

In their company, you’ll find the way,
To feel the love that’s here to always stay.
A pet will bring you joy on a quiet day,
They turn your simple house into a home.

Snow and Smoke

Daily writing prompt
What are you doing this evening?

The evening sun hangs low,
As we gather ’round, my pals and Snow.
A Lab named Snow, with eyes of surprise,
Joins our crew beneath the painted skies.

We’re no polished gents, nor suits so neat,
But a ragtag bunch, with stories to beat.
Our pipes are lit, and smoke curls ’round,
As we settle in on this hallowed ground.

The vinyl spins, a crackling old song,
In the dim-lit room, where we all belong.
A bluesy tune, that hits the soul,
As we let loose, and begin to roll.

Conversation flows, like whiskey in our glasses,
Tales of life’s highs, and all its passes.
We laugh and joke, with camaraderie,
In this cozy den, where we’re truly free.

Snow, the yellow Lab, by our side,
His loyalty, a bond we can’t hide.
With eyes so kind, and a wagging tail,
He knows our secrets, without a trail.

The pipes burn low, the music wanes,
But in our hearts, the memory remains.
Of evenings shared, with friends so true,
And a Lab named Snow, who joined the crew.

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Peace In Fur’s Presence

Daily writing prompt
What brings you peace?

In a world that whirls with chaos wild,
I find my solace, like a happy child.
Among the fur and wagging tails,
My heart finds calm, my spirit sails.

Cats with eyes like galaxies deep,
Their secrets hidden, their purrs a keep.
They stretch and yawn, in sun’s embrace,
A tranquil moment, a serene space.

Dogs with boundless joy to share,
Leaping like the wind, without a care.
Their loyalty, a bond so true,
In their presence, troubles undo.

Oh, the creatures big and small,
They heed no judgements, no biased call.
Their innocence, a soothing balm,
In their world, I find my calm.

With feline grace and canine glee,
They teach me lessons, set my spirit free.
Their playful antics, a dance of delight,
In their company, everything’s just right.

In their world, I find my song,
A place where I truly belong.
Amid the chaos, noise, and strife,
They offer me the gift of life.

My Retirement Plan

Daily writing prompt
How do you want to retire?

June 11, 2023

In golden days of life’s repose,
With cats and dogs as cherished kin,
I find my solace, love bestows,
Amidst a realm where green begins.

Retirement’s door swings wide and free,
Where time and toil have taken leave,
Embraced by nature’s tapestry,
I find a respite, a grace to conceive.

Beneath the boughs of evergreen,
With feline friends, wise and sly,
We stroll the path, a tranquil scene,
While barks of joyous canines fly.

The sunbeams dance on verdant floor,
As whiskers brush against my hand,
Contentment sings, my heart does soar,
A quiet bliss, so gently fanned.

In quietude, we share our tales,
The stories woven by life’s thread,
While sunlit hues paint feline trails,
And doggy paws leave prints widespread.

The cats, they claim their secret haunts,
Where shadows blend with dappled light,
Their knowing eyes, like sage savants,
Guide me through the day and night.

The dogs, they frolic, bark and bound,
With boundless energy and glee,
Their wagging tails a joy profound,
Their presence fuels vitality in me.

The scent of blossoms fills the air,
Whispers of seasons passing by,
As cats and dogs weave joy and care,
Beneath the arch of an azure sky.

My dearies friends, if you could see,
This haven in my twilight days,
Where furry souls bring harmony,
And verdure weaves its timeless praise.