What if… Salman Rushdie gave a tutorial on how to fix a lightbulb?

The humble lightbulb, the bringer of illumination to the dark corners of our abodes. To change a lightbulb is an art, a dance of sorts, performed with grace and dexterity. And to fix it? Well, that is a tale to be told.

Listen, my friends, and I shall share with you the secrets of fixing a lightbulb in the style of Salman Rushdie.

Step 1:

Obtain a new bulb. This is the essential ingredient, the muse that will guide you on your journey. It should be of the appropriate wattage and size for your fixture.

Step 2:

Turn off the power. This is crucial. You do not want to be the bard who finds themselves electrocuted in the middle of a tale. Locate the switch that controls the power to the fixture and turn it off.

Step 3:

Remove the old bulb. Grasp the old bulb firmly and twist it counter-clockwise until it releases from the socket. Take care, for the glass may be hot.

Step 4:

Install the new bulb. Align the pins on the new bulb with the socket, and gently twist it clockwise until it is secure.

Step 5:

Turn the power back on. Flick the switch back to the “on” position, and behold the glory of the newly installed bulb.

And there you have it, my friends. A tale of light and darkness, of art and science, of change and renewal. The lightbulb, fixed.

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